九月份,SBS 真人秀 《同床异梦2》宣告回归上映。这一季的主题是夫妻关系,以家庭在保持和谐的内心感受电影制作一条连绵不断的故事。此外,本季特别邀请到中国发展的韩国女演员秋瓷炫与她的男友-于晓光作为嘉宾参加此季节目。
SBS 真人秀 《同床异梦2》上映之时,不仅吸引了大量死忠看客,也为我们带来独特又甜蜜时刻。本季力图话语用成长、感情的体会,将夫妻间敏感的心理'考察'在急流中。于是诞生了一幕幕动人心弦的剧情故事!
金九拉、徐章勋以气氛风格,上妆话语令人印象打造出一部多样元素真人秀剧集。This season of "The Same Bed, Different Dreams 2" has the warmth, sweetness, bitterness and joy of family ties. The relationship between couples is the main theme of this season. Especially invited is the Korean actress QiuCeXuan who has developed in China and her boyfriend YuXiaoGuang, who serve as guests. With Jin JiuLa and Xu ZhangXun looking through the psychological examination of married life with their hosts’ makeup, atmosphere and words, ..